When you choose to do business with Computer & Printer Repair, you are choosing a company of experienced techs! For over twenty five years, we have had success repairing and maintaining a wide array of label applicators, laser printers, and multi-function units. These are some of the advantages we offer:
•Expert Laser Printer Repairs & Maintenance
•Experienced, Factory Trained Repair Techs
•Fast Service, Quick Response & Turn Around Times
•All Major Brands of Laser Printers Serviced
•Most Obsolete Brands of Barcode Printers Serviced
•Preventative Maintenance Programs & Service Contracts
•Always Competitively Priced
•All repairs performed by Computer & Printer Repair, include 100% guaranteed workmanship
Computer Printer Repair services printers in Wayne, Oakland, Washtenaw and Monroe counties. Our goal is to provide you the very best in service and support on the entire HPand Lexmark line.
We offer in-shop and Fast On-Site Service. Our technicians are among the best HP Designjet large-format techs in the area. Our goal is always to deliver timely and professional attention and service. Your satisfaction is the key to our success.
Below is a list of some of the Laser Printer Repair we offer:
Maintenance Kit- Fuser- User Maintenance Kits - Pick Up Assemblies - Laser Scanners- Power Supplies - Fan - Error Codes - Printheads - Toner - Printer Cleaning- Motors - Pick Pollers- Paper Jams
Our professional service that includes all not only the part but cleaning, lubricating, and calibration. We want your printer run like new! Contact us for pricing!
For more information or to schedule a service call, please contact us via email at [email protected]. You may also call us at (800) 617-4455 from 9am to 7pm, M-F & 10am to 4pm Saturday.
We look forward to serving you..
Contact Computer & Printer Repair today at (800) 617-4455. All work guarenteed!!!! Fast on-site service!!!!│Laser Printer Repair Center Line││Laser Printer Repair Eastpointe││Laser Printer Repair Fraser││Laser Printer Repair Grosse Pointe Shores││Laser Printer Repair Memphis││Laser Printer Repair Mount Clemens││Laser Printer Repair New Baltimore││Laser Printer Repair Richmond││Laser Printer Repair Roseville││Laser Printer Repair St. Clair Shores││Laser Printer Repair Sterling Heights││Laser Printer Repair Utica││Laser Printer Repair Warren││Laser Printer Repair Armada││Laser Printer Repair New Haven││Laser Printer Repair Romeo│ │Laser Printer Repair Anchor Bay Gardens││Laser Printer Repair Anchor Bay Harbor││Laser Printer Repair Anchor Bay Shores││Laser Printer Repair Broad Acres││Laser Printer Repair Cady││Laser Printer Repair Chesterfield││Laser Printer Repair Chesterfield Shores││Laser Printer Repair Clifton Mill││Laser Printer Repair Clinton CDP││Laser Printer Repair Davis││Laser Printer Repair Disco││Laser Printer Repair Lakeside││Laser Printer Repair Lottivue││Laser Printer Repair Macomb││Laser Printer Repair Meade││Laser Printer Repair Milton││Laser Printer Repair Mount Vernon││Laser Printer Repair Point Lakeview││Laser Printer Repair Preston Corners││Laser Printer Repair Ray Center││Laser Printer Repair Saint Clair Haven││Laser Printer Repair Saint Clair Shores││Laser Printer Repair Sebille Manor││Laser Printer Repair Shelby││Laser Printer Repair Waldenburg││Laser Printer Repair Washington││Laser Printer Repair Wolcott Mills││Laser Printer Repair Yates││Laser Printer Repair Armada Township││Laser Printer Repair Bruce Township││Laser Printer Repair Chesterfield Charter Township││Laser Printer Repair Clinton Charter Township││Laser Printer Repair Harrison Charter Township││Laser Printer Repair Lenox Township││Laser Printer Repair Macomb Township││Laser Printer Repair Ray Township││Laser Printer Repair Richmond Township││Laser Printer Repair Shelby Charter Township││Laser Printer Repair Washington Township│
│Center Line Laser Printer Repair│ │48015│ │Eastpointe Laser Printer Repair│ │48021│ │Fraser Laser Printer Repair│ │48026│ │Grosse Pointe Shores Laser Printer Repair│ │48230│ │48236│ │Memphis Laser Printer Repair│ │48041│ │Mount Clemens Laser Printer Repair│ ││ │48043│ │48046│ │New Baltimore Laser Printer Repair│ │48051│ ││ │48047│ │Richmond Laser Printer Repair│ │48062 │ │Romeo Laser Printer Repair│ │48065│ │Roseville Laser Printer Repair│ │48066│ │St. Clair Shores Laser Printer Repair│ │48080│ │48081│ ││ │48082│ │Sterling Heights Laser Printer Repair│ │48310│ │48312│ │48313│ │48314│ │Utica Laser Printer Repair│ │48315│ │48316│ │48317│ │48318│ │Warren Laser Printer Repair│ │48088│ │48089│ │48090│ │48091│ │48092│ │48093│ │Armada Laser Printer Repair│ │48005│ │New Haven Laser Printer Repair│ │48048│ │48050│ │Romeo Laser Printer Repair│ │48065│ │Anchor Bay Gardens Laser Printer Repair│ │Anchor Bay Harbor Laser Printer Repair│ │Anchor Bay Shores Laser Printer Repair│ │Broad Acres Laser Printer Repair│ │48035│ │Cady Laser Printer Repair│ │Chesterfield Laser Printer Repair│ │48047│ │Chesterfield Shores Laser Printer Repair│ │48047│ │Clifton Mill Laser Printer Repair│ │48094│ │48095│ │Clinton CDP Laser Printer Repair│ │48035│ │48036│ │48038│ │Davis Laser Printer Repair│ │48096│ │Lakeside│ │48313│ │Lottivue Laser Printer Repair│ │48047│ │Macomb Laser Printer Repair│ │48042│ │48044│ │Preston Corner Laser Printer Repairs│ │48315│ │Ray Center│ │48096│ │Riley Township│ │48041│ │Saint Clair Haven Laser Printer Repair│ │48045│ │Selfridge Laser Printer Repair│ │48045│ │Shelby Laser Printer Repair│ │49455│ │48317│ │Waldenburg Laser Printer Repair│ │Washington Laser Printer Repair│ │48094│ │48095│ │Wolcott Mills Laser Printer Repair│ │Yates│ │Armada Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48005│ │Bruce Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48065│ │Chesterfield Charter Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48047│ │Clinton Charter Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48035│ │48036│ │48038│ │Harrison Charter Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48045│ │Lenox Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48048│ │48050│ │Macomb Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48042│ │48044│ │Ray Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48096│ │Richmond Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48062│ │Shelby Charter Township Laser Printer Repair│ │49455│ │48315│ │48316│ │48317│ │48318│ │Washington Township Laser Printer Repair│ │48094│ │48095│